Key Achievements

Retail Industry

  • Developed the then national Association, the Australian Retailers Association over 1996-2002, from a federation of state and affiliated associations and dealt with all the inherent difficulties and legacies.
  • Facilitated, with the Federal Government, the smooth introduction of the GST in 2000. Worked on government committees, including close contact with the Prime Minister and Treasurer and their key staff and the head and senior officers of the ACCC.
  • Successfully lobbied the Federal Government and argued in the Conciliation and Arbitration Commission (as it then was) for the retention of junior rates of pay in the retail industry.
  • Represented retailers in the Fair Wear campaign by unions, the ACTU and lobby groups resulting in an agreed Code.
  • Successfully lobbied for fairer lease terms for retail tenants in shopping centres, resulting in improved Retail Shop Lease legislation across the states.
  • Acted as Executive Director of the Federation of Asian Retai Associations and successfully steered difficult diplomatic negotiations in China and Taiwan resulting in the admission of China, while Taiwan continued to remain a member and resolved competing applications of two Indonesian retail associations for membership.

Mortgage and Finance Industry

  • Developed the MFAA from 2,200 members in 2002  to some 11,000 by the end of 2014 (over which time the market share of mortgage brokers increased from less than 25% to over 50%).
  • Initiated the MFAA Professional Development and Marketing/Consumer Awareness programs.
  • Developed the Association's robust Disciplinary Process and professional standards
  • Established the Association's annual Excellence Awards.
  • Successfuly worked with financial journalists to enhance the image of mortgage and finance brokers as professionals.
  • Key driver of National Credit legislation with Federal Government to protect consumers in a user friendly format for MFAA members.
  • Initiated and developed links with similar associations in Canada, USA, UK, Ireland, Singapore and NZ.