Providing Expertise and Transferring Knowledge


By quickly understanding your association's or industry's issues, Phil can provide an experienced and effective lobbying service, including advocacy, submission preparation, appearances before Parliamentary Committees and Inquiries or assist you in establishing such skills.

Board Membership

With Phil's detailed involvement in association governance structures as a CEO and as a Director on various not for profit Boards, Phil is available to be considered as your next independent director, bringing to your association his years of experience and understanding of the best Board processes.  He is  a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).

Strategic Planning 

Phil can work with you to guide you through the process of planning your association's future strategy and ensuring that the crucial common purpose of the association is identified and agreed by all. Many an association has failed because members have not agreed on its common purpose or have held differing expectations as to what the association is to deliver.

Governance and Structure Advice

Provision of advice based on actual experience and expertise on the right governance and association structure.

Best of Breed Benchmarking

An analysis of financial and other benchmarks of similar organisations both in Australia and overseas can assist you to make the right decisions for your association and its management.


What services will your association provide? What do members want and can the association deliver? Phil can assist you on these questions  and advise directly on setting up initiatives such as Professional Development, Disciplinary process, Excellence Awards and Consumer Awareness programs.


Need an MC or Conference Chair 

Phil is an experienced MC and  Conference Chair and can make your event flow smoothly in an entertaining and informative style. Here are some testimonials:

'Thank you very much for chairing the CEO and Chair Symposium; you were funny, professional, educational and kept to time, which was fantastic" - Veronica Zaghloul, Events Manager, Associations Forum

'Thank you for chairing three sessions at AFNC17; as usual you were spot on! The feedback has been very positive' - Veronica Zaghloul, Events Manager, Associations Forum